Rabu, 17 Juni 2015


I am sure
long wait will not be in vain
If prayer is the highest throne of a flavor.

the Angel of Allah fly prayers to the Almighty Love
Be sincere in asking, 
don't force,
wear manners,
then the angels will be the most loyal intermediary that all hope isn't only a hope.

Because our prayers will blend into a harmony and produce a beautiful symphony for hum
the angels to the Almighty.

Patience wasn't about how long we wait.
but about how much good we do when waiting.

The patient is often synonymous with the wait, but patience is the process when waiting.
process where we do a lot of things when waiting,
where we do the goodness in it waiting for a cure,
waiting for, waiting for a mate, also waiting for death.. and more

Then from that patient, Allah gives the reward there in. because in itself it contains the goodness that much for yourself,
was also a fellow.
"What's your side will vanish, and what is on the side of Allah is eternal. and We will reward those who are patient with a better reward than what they used to do." (QS. An-Nahl :96)

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